
Yes, Yes, YES!

Found in the comments sections of someone else's blog (re the whole Martin Amis/brain damage hooha):

All this reminds me of a brilliant cartoon that I once saw but can't find right now. It shows two people at a literary party. The woman says, 'I write children's books. I address issues of identity and whether or not there is such a thing as innate evil.' To which the man replies, 'I'm an adults' author. I write about going bald and getting off with younger women.'

How much do I love this? Oh please, please, find this cartoon and give it to me, framed, for my birthday!! And if it's not real, please, somebody, DRAW IT!


  1. I am having to squish my eyeballs back in their sockets after reading that Martin Amis article. what a complete prat. I'm itching to say more but I have a children's book to write and I feel that is a much more worthy venture than engaging in debates about the comments of idiots...no offense to you dear kate! jxx PS love the cartoon. PPS this comes hot on the heels of Writers at the Convent completely snubbing kid's authors (with the exception of Andy Griffiths). I am so tired of the way the literati marginalise children's authors. jx

  2. Hear hear, Jen!
    And LOVE that cartoon!
